\ textit {objection:}基于gadolinium的对比剂(GBCA)已被广泛用于更好地可视化脑磁共振成像中的疾病(MRI)。然而,大脑和身体内部的gadolin量引起了人们对使用GBCA的安全问题。因此,在提供类似的对比度信息的同时,可以减少甚至消除GBCA暴露的新方法的发展将在临床上具有重大用途。 \ textit {方法:}在这项工作中,我们提出了一种基于深度学习的方法,用于对脑肿瘤患者的对比增强T1合成。 3D高分辨率完全卷积网络(FCN)通过处理和聚合并行的多尺度信息保持高分辨率信息,旨在将前对比度MRI序列映射到对比度增强的MRI序列。具体而言,将三个前对比的MRI序列T1,T2和表观扩散系数图(ADC)用作输入,而对比后T1序列则被用作目标输出。为了减轻正常组织与肿瘤区域之间的数据不平衡问题,我们引入了局部损失,以改善肿瘤区域的贡献,从而可以更好地增强对肿瘤的增强结果。 \ textIt {结果:}进行了广泛的定量和视觉评估,我们提出的模型在大脑中达到28.24db的PSNR,在肿瘤区域达到21.2db。 \ textit {结论和意义:}我们的结果表明,用深度学习产生的合成对比图像代替GBCA的潜力。代码可在\ url {https://github.com/chenchao666/contrast-enhanced-mri-synthesis中获得
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We introduce MegaPose, a method to estimate the 6D pose of novel objects, that is, objects unseen during training. At inference time, the method only assumes knowledge of (i) a region of interest displaying the object in the image and (ii) a CAD model of the observed object. The contributions of this work are threefold. First, we present a 6D pose refiner based on a render&compare strategy which can be applied to novel objects. The shape and coordinate system of the novel object are provided as inputs to the network by rendering multiple synthetic views of the object's CAD model. Second, we introduce a novel approach for coarse pose estimation which leverages a network trained to classify whether the pose error between a synthetic rendering and an observed image of the same object can be corrected by the refiner. Third, we introduce a large-scale synthetic dataset of photorealistic images of thousands of objects with diverse visual and shape properties and show that this diversity is crucial to obtain good generalization performance on novel objects. We train our approach on this large synthetic dataset and apply it without retraining to hundreds of novel objects in real images from several pose estimation benchmarks. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the ModelNet and YCB-Video datasets. An extensive evaluation on the 7 core datasets of the BOP challenge demonstrates that our approach achieves performance competitive with existing approaches that require access to the target objects during training. Code, dataset and trained models are available on the project page: https://megapose6d.github.io/.
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We present a unified and compact representation for object rendering, 3D reconstruction, and grasp pose prediction that can be inferred from a single image within a few seconds. We achieve this by leveraging recent advances in the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) literature that learn category-level priors and fine-tune on novel objects with minimal data and time. Our insight is that we can learn a compact shape representation and extract meaningful additional information from it, such as grasping poses. We believe this to be the first work to retrieve grasping poses directly from a NeRF-based representation using a single viewpoint (RGB-only), rather than going through a secondary network and/or representation. When compared to prior art, our method is two to three orders of magnitude smaller while achieving comparable performance at view reconstruction and grasping. Accompanying our method, we also propose a new dataset of rendered shoes for training a sim-2-real NeRF method with grasping poses for different widths of grippers.
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To apply federated learning to drug discovery we developed a novel platform in the context of European Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI) project MELLODDY (grant n{\deg}831472), which was comprised of 10 pharmaceutical companies, academic research labs, large industrial companies and startups. The MELLODDY platform was the first industry-scale platform to enable the creation of a global federated model for drug discovery without sharing the confidential data sets of the individual partners. The federated model was trained on the platform by aggregating the gradients of all contributing partners in a cryptographic, secure way following each training iteration. The platform was deployed on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) multi-account architecture running Kubernetes clusters in private subnets. Organisationally, the roles of the different partners were codified as different rights and permissions on the platform and administrated in a decentralized way. The MELLODDY platform generated new scientific discoveries which are described in a companion paper.
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变形金刚用大型数据集的扩展能力彻底改变了视力和自然语言处理。但是在机器人的操作中,数据既有限又昂贵。我们仍然可以从具有正确的问题制定的变压器中受益吗?我们用Peract进行了调查,这是一种用于多任务6 DOF操纵的语言条件的行为结合剂。 Peract用感知器变压器编码语言目标和RGB-D Voxel观测值,并通过“检测下一个最佳素素动作”来输出离散的动作。与在2D图像上运行的框架不同,体素化的观察和动作空间为有效学习的6-DOF策略提供了强大的结构性先验。通过此公式,我们训练一个单个多任务变压器,用于18个RLBench任务(具有249个变体)和7个现实世界任务(具有18个变体),从每个任务仅几个演示。我们的结果表明,针对各种桌面任务,佩内的磨损明显优于非结构化图像到作用剂和3D Convnet基准。
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Hololens(Microsoft Corp.,WA Redmond,WA)是一款头饰,光学透明的增强现实展示,是最近提高医学增强现实研究的主要参与者。在医疗环境中,HoloLens使医生能够立即了解患者信息,直接与他们对临床方案的看法,医学生,可以更好地了解复杂的解剖学或程序,甚至可以通过执行治疗任务。改进,沉浸式指导。在这篇系统的综述中,我们提供了有关医疗领域第一代霍洛伦斯在2016年3月发布到2021年的全面使用的全面概述,一直关注其继任者霍洛伦斯2号。通过系统搜索PubMed和Scopus数据库确定了171个相关出版物。我们分析了这些出版物的预期用例,注册和跟踪的技术方法,数据源,可视化以及验证和评估。我们发现,尽管已经显示出在各种医学场景中使用Hololens的可行性,但在精确,可靠性,可用性,工作流程和感知方面的努力增加了在临床实践中建立AR。
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光传感器可以捕获动态环境,并在接近实时得出深度信息。这些数字重建的质量取决于照明,表面和纹理条件,传感速度和其他传感器特性以及传感器对象关系等因素。可以通过使用来自多个传感器的动态收集数据来获得改进。但是,匹配来自多个传感器的数据需要共享的世界坐标系。我们提出了将多传感器数据传输到常见的世界坐标系:地球磁场的概念。我们的行星磁场的稳定存在提供了可靠的世界坐标系,可以作为位置定义的动态环境重建的参考。使用来自立体架的ZED 2立体声摄像头的磁场传感器评估我们的方法,该镜头可提供相对于北极的方向,类似于指南针。借助惯性测量单元信息,每个相机的位置数据都可以传输到统一的世界坐标系统中。我们的评估揭示了使用地球磁场的质量水平,并为环境检测的光学多传感器的动态和基于实时的应用提供了基础。
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